Sooyeong Lee
Slowly but Surely
Bojagi 2022
Tangerine Series
The Tangerine Project
Preserved Tangerines
Tangerine Skin
Study of Round and Round
Tangerine Cyanotype
Round and Round
Land / Water
Following Tides
To Hold and To Be Held
Two Years Later
Birthday Soup
Body of Work
Bun Lady
Safety First
Just in Case
Wearable Food
Birthday Soup
, 2016. Preserved ingredients from artist’s kitchen: garlic bulbs, dried seaweed, dried portobello mushrooms, sea salt, onion skin, label from meat packaging, soy sauce on paper, sesame oil on paper, dried anchovies, and ground pepper.
Birthday Soup
, 2016. Preserved ingredients from artist’s kitchen: garlic bulbs, dried seaweed, dried portobello mushrooms, sea salt, onion skin, label from meat packaging, soy sauce on paper, sesame oil on paper, dried anchovies, and ground pepper.
Birthday Soup
, 2016. Dried seaweed and onion skin.
Birthday Soup
, 2016. Dried portobello mushrooms and seaweed.